Age Is Not A Barrier To Love !!! Dabota Lawson

Love the say is blind, when you are in love the heart is locked up to that special person. Dabota Lawson in a chat with Punch, revealed that the age of her husband is not a problem to her and that what matters most to her is that they both love each other so much. Well, who won’t love a Billionaire Businessman?
When asked if it was a tough decision getting married when she did
For me to have gotten married when I did was not a tough decision to arrive at. It has not stopped me from being a career woman and this year, I will go into other areas of interests, which are really big.
When asked how she managed the reactions following her union
I’m resolute and I had made up my mind with the consent and blessings of the persons that matter most to me. Other opinions are just what they are – opinions. I take nothing to heart.When asked if she considered the age difference between she and her husband
When you love somebody, you just love him or her with your whole heart. You do not think about age or anything of that nature. My husband’s age is not a problem because a marriage built on the laws of God must work regardless of age, class or origin and that is what my husband and I have going for us. We face what God has to say before anything else.
When asked how she would describe her relationship with her husband's kids
We have an amazing rapport; we are a happy family.
When asked why she decided to marry her husband and what she admired about him
My husband is a selfless man; apart from God he puts me first in everything he does. And he is also a very God-fearing man.


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